18 March 2009

No Water no Humanity - Safe the forest

Declining forest coverage is certainly reducing geothermal potential. Geothermal literally means earth heat. Heat from the earth's core is brought to the surface by many means e.g. hot water and lava. Geothermal electric power plant is using heater underground water to spin the turbine and generator. Heated underground water gathers in a place called geothermal reservoir. There is a strong relationship between geothermal electric power and water availability especially underground water. Picture: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Geothermal_energy_methods.png (18/3/09)

Underground water flows in an earth layer called aquifer. this layer is permeable (penetrable) and therefore the water flows in it. This layer might rise at certain earth area and this area is usually a very good water catchment area or recharge area. there are also shallow aquifers where surface water can penetrate the soil and create shallow flows of water. In both cases, soil absorption capability is very important. Soil absorption capability is very much depending on the soil coverage (e.g. forest). Certain trees or plants have very good water absorption. Forest cutting and land clearing and also land development have created severe damage to the water table condition. Forest cutting means reducing soil coverage and thus reducing the capability of soil to absorb water and therefore little or even no water is recharged to the aquifer. Land development (usually by paving or tarmac or houses) increases the surface flow and reduce water absorption to nearly zero and the effect is the same. Picture: http://belmont.sd62.bc.ca/teacher/geology12/photos/erosion-water/aquifer.jpg (18/3/09).

Mentioned earlier, geothermal needs water to be heated in the aquifer. If there is little water recharged then the pressure of the steam will also be low and therefore it will not be very attractive to explore that particular geothermal potential further.

It is very much clearer now that human needs water. Human consist of water (80%). Man can live without food but not water. Water makes our food crops grow. Water feeds us. Water makes energy. Almost every power generator needs water to generate electricity. Water needs to be preserved and forest is the key. If the forest is dying there will be no more humanity.

As for geothermal energy, it will still be renewable as long as there is forest.

10 March 2009

Who does not like to be "ooohh" by their friends. "Ooooh" is showing how people amazed by things or others. Getting "ooohed" by your friends would certainly lifting your mental condition. One can feel higher, stronger, richer, smarter or any superlative condition. This can start cockiness and when someone has this feeling in his/her heart there is a tendency that he/she will start looking other people smaller and has little respect unless to those that are cockier.

I observe in the facebook (especially among my "friends"); they tend to post pictures when they are abroad. It is true that being abroad is a kind of pride for Indonesians because only the rich or the lucky ones are able to be there (and having fun). Although in reality there are many Indonesians in the Middle East working and not really showing their faces in the FB. I am on the opinion that putting such photos would make people cocky and certainly there is a certain superlative feeling. I am afraid that those feelings will influence the way people see others.

What I really want to say is "let's not see other less lucky people small". In a way, they confirm our existence. Actions are more important than just talks. As one famous radio announcer says "it is good being important, but it is more important to be good". Let's be humble...

Cycling - New Status Statement...

Cycling is becoming a new way of status statement. I just visited one cycling forum. In one of the threads, somebody is complaining that those that ride expensive bicycle are flocking only with those having similarly expensive bikes. The forum replied that thread in various point of view. Some are agreeing that rich cyclist are snob, some try to be wise, some try to joke on the condition, some try to encourage and some are just do not give a damn about the fact. the last group says that as long as those expensive bikes are used as proper sport tool then it is OK. For them bicycling is a matter of sport. Bicycle, any type any price, serves only one thing: sport. And anyway, professional athletes are using expensive bikes to win

It is true that the "rich" one usually flocks with the same kind. It is unavoidable, especially in Indonesia where "success" is always the same as "rich". It is true that "quality" comes with a price. those that are "rich" usually demand higher quality. I am on the opinion that as long as they do not make fun of those with "cheaper" bikes then it is OK. As long as they use their bike for sport then it is OK. Maybe those with "cheaper" bikes are actually already riding "pricey" bikes compared others that are "less pricey" bike owners. The one who started the thread might envy the hardware or he/she might not have the courage to mingle with them (lack of self confidence). I would say, somebody does not need a materialistic things to be confident (although it is hard to be like that when the world sees it differently).

Anyway, keep on cycling because you can enjoy cycling by yourself.

Please, Do not waste more money.....

let's say there are 1000 legislative candidates (actually there are approximately 12.000 candidates) for the 2009 election (national, provincial, and regency level) and each candidate has to provide at least 1 billion IDR (9 zeros) for their campaign purposes. There will be at least 1 trillion IDR (twelve zeros) spent on public relation actions. that is actually huge. Let's say that the exchange rate of IDR to US$ is 12.000 IDR per US$; it means there will be at least 83 million US$ (83 Mio US$ x 12 = 960 Mio US$). If one kW of MHP costs on average 5000 US$ then that much of money can be used to develop 16700 kW. Let's say that one village needs only on average 50 kW MHP, then there will be approximately 340 villages electrified with proper electricity. If one village has 100 households and each household has 5 persons then the money can bring happiness to approximately 170000 people. (170.000 x 12 = 2040000 people) Happiness is just the smallest thing. Further regional development in the area will be the bigger thing. A proper use of money can bring development and happiness to people.

Those candidates might spent more than 1 trillion IDR (even more than 12 trillion IDR)for this year's election. the money will just lost (actually not, but those who can benefits from it are mostly people in urban area and because there is no further study on it, I can not say anything but assuming that only a little will benefit (compared to 170000 people or 2040000 people)). If elected, those people might not able to keep their promises and the money is just burned to the air.