Thursday 13th of November will be the most memorable day for pak Linggih. Pak Linggih is the Major of Batang Uru village in West Sulawesi Province. Beside his Major duties, he also has a turbine workshop. His dedication for rural electrification is uncomparable. He works alot and does not speak much. He does it not just speaks about it. He is a true leader. The Kecamatan Development Project (KDP - Now is named PNMP) has involved him in many micro hydro projects. The projects under his supervision is undeniably very succesful.

Rural Electrification in Batang Uru, look at the wooden poles (Photo: DGEEU - Ministry of Energy GOI)
Enough with background info. On 13th of November pak Linggih and especially Batang Uru Village has won the first prize of Desa Mandiri Energy (DME) Competition 2008. Desa Mandiri Energi or Energy Self Sufficient Villages is defined as a village that can supply its own energy need (at least 60%) with local resources. Community participation is very important in DME and in Batang Uru community participation is number one. There are some supports from KDP but people put their efforts and money more than KDP's. This can be a serious sign of sustainability (especially social aspect). I hope government projects are done in this manner (although not all are as successful as pak Linggih's).

Pak Linggih's Workshop (Photo: DGEEU - Ministry of Energy GOI)
Anyway, congratulation to Pak Linggih and especially to KDP staffs in West Sulawesi. This is a sign of good integrated work between many institutions.
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