29 April 2009

Micro Hydro Terminologies - Second Batch

Same sources plus some sources that I already forgot.

  • High Head System: A hydroelectric power plant having head higher than 300 meters
  • Low Head System: A hydroelectric power plant having head up to 30 meters
  • Medium Head System: A hydroelectric power plant having head up to 300 meters
  • Micro Hydropower: A hydroelectric power generation up to 100 kW
  • Mini Hydropower: A hydroelectric power generation up to 1000 kW
  • Off Grid: A hydroelectric power plant that does not operate in interconnected mode
  • On Grid: A hydroelectric power plant that operates in interconnected mode
  • Pico Hydropower: A hydroelectric power generation under 5 kW
  • Run of River: A hydroelectric power station which uses the river flow as it occurs, the filling period of its own reservoir by the cumulative water flows being practically
  • Small Hydropower: A hydroelectric power generation up to 10 MW
Site Identification
  • Catchment area: An extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean
  • Discharge (flow): Volume of water that passes a given point within a given period of time.
  • Flood: An overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land
  • Flow duration curve: A plot that shows the percentage of time that flow in a stream is likely to equal or exceed some specified value of interest
  • Gauging station: A particular site on a stream, canal, lake, or reservoir where systematic observations of hydrologic data are obtained.
  • Head: The difference in number of feet between two water surface elevations. Height of water above a specified point.
  • Slope: The slope is defined as the ratio of the altitude change to the horizontal distance between any two points on the line
  • Topography: Physical shape of the ground surface in a geographic area.
  • Bill of Quantity: a document itemizing the materials, parts, and labor (and their costs) required to construct, maintain, or repair a structure or device
  • Cost estimate: Approximation of the probable total cost of a product, program, or project, computed on the basis of available information
  • Load Forecast: An estimate of the expected load of a network at a given future date
  • Design flow: Is the flow at which the turbine operates at highest energy conversion efficiency
  • Plant Gradient: Ratio between length of overall water conveyance system and head
  • Energy Unit Cost: The cost to generate per unit of energy. Usually has cost/kWh unit (e.g. x US$/kWh)
  • Feasibility Study: An exercise that involves documenting each of the potential solutions to a particular business problem or opportunity.
  • Financial Analysis: an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project.
  • Payback Period: the period of time required for the return on an investment to "repay" the sum of the original investment
  • Internal Rate of Return: The interest rate received for an investment consisting of payments and income that occur at regular periods
  • Net Present Value: the total present value (PV) of a time series of cash flows
  • Discount rate: An interest rate a central bank charges depository institutions that borrow reserves from it. Discount rate is always compared to IRR to value an investment

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