- Many eligible voters are not registered. There are some complaints to the local election committee. All are complaining about their missing vote rights. Many are not registered and thus their names are not listed in the master list. The election regulation does not allow people to use their rights without the invitation. This year we have two important elections; first is governor of West Java election and the second is head of Bogor Regency election. People that have voted for West Java Governor have lost their rights to vote for Bogor Regency Bupati. This actually did not happen to my Rukun Tetangga (RT – smallest neighborhood group) but it happened to other RT. The fault is not on the RT’s administration but on the Demography Office. People in that office did not cross check with other data and just inputting new data. This has made people lost their voting rights. This condition became worst because Regency Election Committee (Komiter Pemilihan Umum Daerah – KPUD) gave all data just one day before the election day (That’s 24 hours before election day) and 24 hours is the limit for unlisted voters to ask for their rights to the local election committee. I suspect all of these have been a big scenario. The experts from each candidate (usually only special candidate) can read the supporters’ strength of other candidates in each area. Using their influence, campaign committee can push the right button in the election committee (KPUD) to erase as many voters as possible in specific areas and influence the chance of specific candidate to lost the election in that specific area. This happens everywhere including the U.S. (I remember “The Stupid White Men”).
- Registered voters did not vote. Those that were invited to vote did not vote. They simply just throw away their rights and ignore their obligation. I am on the opinion that this is not a mature action. Nowadays many people can only complain and ask for their rights. Many are not answering for their obligations. I am on the opinion that, when you already pay your dues then you can ask for your rights. It is very natural; you’ve got to work before you get your bread. Jakarta people said – ke laut aje (go to sea) – for those kind of people (sorry I try not to say the “f” word like “go “f” yourself). OK..lah…go “f” yourself. Those kind of people have no single right to say about the new bupati’s policy or regulations
- Lack of program dissemination by candidates. This can also influence the level of voters participation in a negative way i.e. potential voters do not vote. Many voters that came to the voting place said that they do not know the candidates and their programs. The day the vote is the first time they knew about the candidates. Candidate should have visited their potential voters. Do some campaigns and interact with potential voters. If it is possible do a debate and really show the content of their heads (I heard there was a debate session during campaign phase). Maybe my area is not important enough for those candidates therefore they did not visit and interact with the people there.
Other reasons? Let me think more…
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