22 August 2008

Speed Up Your Speedy Access

Some months ago our Telkom Speedy (http://www.telkomspeedy.com/) access was upgraded. Telkom has just improved their infrastructure and they gave free speed upgrade. The connection in my office use Unlimited Office that cost IDR 750.000 per month. The speed was 256 kbps (not KB/s). After upgrading, the download speed is 1024 kbps or 1 mbps while the upload speed is only around 128 kbps.

After upgrading, there is significant speed increase for internet connection. I usually have problems listening to SKY FM UpTempo Smooth Jazz Internet Radio with my freeware Screamer Internet Radio (http://www.screamer-radio.com/). Usually the streaming is stopping because the software is buffering the audio file. After upgrading, that problem never occurs.

But, I am still not satisfied. I often download freeware from the Internet and the highest download speed is only around 100 KB/second (kilo byte per second). At first I thought kbps is the same as KB/second but yahoo answer and many other sources told me that they are not the same. Kilo bit per second (kbps) is not the same as kilo byte per second (KB/second). In one byte there are 8 bits, therefore 100 KB/second is the same as 800 kbps. I did not understand this unit when I filed a complain to Telkom Speedy. I tried to test my connection speed to http://www.speedtest.net/ and found that my download speed is only around 500 kbps (although the actual can reach 100 KB/second or 800 kbps).

Browse the Internet then I found in a forum that if one change a parameter in the registry (global receive window - RWIN) to a bigger value, the download speed can increase significantly. Further browsing the Internet, I found this tiny freeware called TCPOptimizer from http://www.speedguide.net/. This software had made the tweaking process easier. Just slide the bar and all will be adjusted automatically. I then tried to test the speed again and it is significantly improved. Download speed is becoming almost 900 kbps although upload speed is still the same (around 100 kbps). Maybe if slide the bar further to the right, the speed might be a little higher than what I have now (more than 900 kbps). So, if you have Internet connection problem (slow download speed) try this TCPOptimizer. You can download it for free at www.speedguide.net. Hope it's useful. Bonus of highspeed Internet is nice streamin performance. Youtube or Internet Radio work flawlessly.

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