Cambodia is somehow depending on Thailand. As far as I know, even vegetables are imported from Thailand. There are many Thailand products in the Cambodian super stores. Tourists coming to Cambodia are usually doing the South East Asia tour. That means they are not specifically coming to Cambodia. They do longer tour starting from, most probably, Thailand and afterwards they go to Cambodia. Local tourists from Thailand are also many. In the weekends, many are coming to Cambodia to visit ancient temples (not just the Angkor temples). In the Northern part of Cambodia, the Thailand influence is very big. The “small” incident in the Northern border area of Cambodia can really make a big wave to Cambodia’s economy. The recent opening of Trans Cambodia-Thailand might not able to mend the recent wounds. This road should be the economic gate for both countries. Thailand is somehow in a better position because its trading partners, I believe, are more than Cambodia’s.
There was also a plan to extend grid from Thailand to Cambodia. As far as I know, the project will be financed by the World Bank. Electricity is still a big problem in Cambodia. They are really relying on fossil fuel. Many village independent power producers are relying on diesel generators. There are only few that are using biomass despite big potential from rice husk. The grid is supposed to electrify Siem Reap province and support the tourism development in that area. As you might already know, Angkor temples are in Siem Reap province. Many are coming to Angkor areas. There are millions of them.
The border conflict between Cambodia and Thailand might turn Cambodian into more difficult situation, especially in the energy sector. People will have to rely on fossil fuel longer. Oil price might go down now, but end product price might go down a bit slower than the raw one. In the medium term, people of Northern Cambodia might have to draw more money from their pockets or else they will be in the dark.
In the conflict stays longer, Cambodia might opt for electricity import from Vietnam. Importing from Vietnam is already planned for the Southern part of Cambodia. Vietnam electricity is somehow “cleaner” because of many hydro power plants. But this option only viable if there is a national grid. So far, even Phnom Penh is still operating in an “island grid” mode. Grid extension and construction costs a lot of money.
I personally think that International Community, especially ASEAN, should do something about this conflict. ASEAN should not let “small” things like this jeopardizes a nation’s economy. I think this temple conflict is a small thing. UNESCO should also cancel the status of the area to reduce the conflict and later reenact the status after there is tangible solution for this border conflict. Thailand people and Cambodian are basically coming from the same descendent. They are practicing same religion also. Therefore, this conflict should be easily solved.
Let’s support the ASEAN Charter that states “UNITED by a common desire and collective will to live in a region of lasting peace, security and stability, sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and social progress, and to promote our vital interests, ideals and aspirations”.
The animosity is great between these two countries. Cambodians have always perceived the Thais as being big bullies. The Thais have always taken the positions of acting as aggressors towards the country of Cambodia. This situation is Deep seeded. Thailand is clearly in the wrong in this matter. the solution is simple, Thailand just needs to get of and out of the Cambodian territory.Cambodia is merely defending it's country. Unesco needs to step up and act like a leader and check Thailand's actions.