Teres Genit is a village in Northern Lombok Island, in Bayan Sub-District. It is located approximately 90 kilometers from Mataram. The village has a 36 kW micro hydro power that just started operation 5 months ago. There are some unique characteristics of micro hydro implementation in this village, for example:
- Cluster metering
- Turbine flow control for a small capacity micro hydro
- Significant productive use load.
Cluster metering is a unique solution for rural electrification. Common implementation in Indonesia is using miniature circuit breaker (MCB). MCB that is commonly used has limiting value of 0.5 Ampere. MCB with such small limiting value is very rare in Indonesia. Usually the sensitivity of very small MCB is quite bad. High demand of small value MCBs for rural electrification has made some people make fake “small value MCB”. Outside it is written as 0.5 Amp MCB but in reality current more than 0.5 Ampere cannot make the MCB to trip. When those fake MCBs are used, one can expect uncontrolled use of electricity that eventually jeopardizes the fate of micro hydro.
Cluster metering or cluster connection uses normal MCBs (i.e. 2 Amps MCB from well known manufacturer) to connect two or more customers. Usually my project recommends to connect 4 houses for one 2 Amps MCB. That means, if the load is even, each house has the right of 0.5 Amp load. Cluster metering uses kWh meter in addition to normal size MCB. In Teres Genit, one kWh meter is normally used for 4 houses. In Lombok, Teres Genit is the third site utilizing this kind of approach. So far, I found this kind of approach in Aceh.
Flow control is usually not implemented for micro scale hydro power. Teres Genit micro hydro might be the smallest that utilize flow control. Normal implementation of rural electrification with micro hydro usually utilizes Electronic Load Controller (ELC) or even the simpler Induction Generator Controller (IGC). I personally in the opinion that flow control in T
eres Genit is a bit too much. Flow control system works by adjusting the opening of guide vane. When the demand is high, the control will tell the guide vane to open more and vice versa. ELC is enough for Teres Genit.

Productive Use, I define it as any activities that produce products. Small shops that use electricity do not fit to the definition. In Teres Genit, there are many options of productive use. The one that is ready is Lombok Salmon production. The industry uses cooling to keep the fish fresh after being smoked. My recent visit to Teres Genit is to install distribution line to this particular place. This effort needs the help of a small boy to climb the poles.
Anyone can visit Teres Genit. Just googling and write “Teras Genit” you will find how to get there.
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