Renewable energy is currently on the upper side of the coin. The support from government for renewable energy projects is quite significant. From policy point of view, there are also some progresses. Private enterprises are also in the sector for example in the mini hydro sector. This has shown a strong growth of renewable energy.
Despite the significant growth, there are some dark sides in the sector. Not all sub sectors are developed from technological point of view. Solar energy systems are still imported either from China, Japan or Europe. Biomass technology, for example gasification, is not yet developed and the application is very low. Biomass conversion to bio fuel is developing quite significantly. Technology is basically in hand, however innovation is still lacking. Hydro energy, especially for bigger size plants are still importing while at micro level, local technology is already used extensively. In general, Indonesia is still depending on foreign technology.
Depending on foreign technology is not inline with the goal to be energy independent country. If one wants to be independent, then he/she must master the subject (in this case the technology). In the worst case, other country is not willing to sell technology to Indonesia that eventually will hamper the utilization of renewable energy sources and making Indonesia dependent on fossil fuel. Economically this scenario is very frightening.
Let us use micro hydro sub sector as an example. Micro hydro turbine manufacturers in Indonesia are generally manufacturing cross flow, propeller and pelton turbine. Cross flow is the most produced turbine due to easiness to manufacture and average characteristic of micro hydro site in Indonesia falls in the head range of cross flow. In Bandung, manufacturers are supervised by foreign expert therefore they are not 100% independent from foreign influences (in this case foreign capacity in designing turbine). The guidance of foreign expert has made Bandung based manufacturers capable in producing high quality hardware.
Producers outside Bandung have to struggle by themselves. They have to play with their own design. They have to live with the fact that their product might not be as good as Bandung’s. The impact of this condition is potential of frequent break downs of their hardware. This will affect the whole process of renewable energy implementation. Bad hardware gives bad name to micro hydro.
Actually to tackle above mentioned issue, universities can play big role. Universities are the place for research. Academics should be able to innovate especially for renewable energy implementation. Using the same case, micro hydro, almost no higher education institutions do research on micro hydro (e.g. turbine design). Turbine design is not simple. It involves many subjects starting from fluid dynamics to mechanics. It is not just welding metal parts together but also optimizing runner design for better performance. This kind of work should not be done by manufacturers. Universities or research institution must do this. If those that suppose to be centre of knowledge and progress do not do anything on that particular subject, then being energy independent is far from reality.
Why the interest is very little interests or even none? I can only assume here. Maybe because the market is not yet very commercial, therefore private industry is still very limited. Universities are inclined to do research on certain subject if there were any driving force from the market. If the industry is not yet developed then the chance for research in certain subject is also limited. I think this way of thinking is not appropriate. Research will attract industry to join in and make the sector grows.
The second possibility is that universities might see renewable energy technology as not as complicated as other kind of technology such as IT or telecommunication or bio technology or other rocket science things. In Indonesia, there is this funny principle: you will look great and advance if you are using complicated things such as complicated words, complicated gadget, complicated lecture materials etc. So, doing research in simple subjects might be considered as below standard and not making someone great. Although actually, doing research for micro hydro turbine is also a complicated matter.
Another possibility is that because there is no communication between universities and industry (renewable energy industry). Since there is no communication, the need of the industry is not known and university can not match their research resources to what the industry needs. Lack of research fund can also make things worse. The worst possibility is if there are no experts in the subject. This is the worst scenario. No one can do anything without expertise.
Since currently government role is very big, they should not limit their involvement in project implementation but also in research. But before doing so, the government should know the current position and future dream. Based on that information government should know who can do what in the sector. Investment in the form of research initiative will be useful for the purpose of energy independency. This will work as long as the money is not for corruption and the researcher is really capable in the particular subject.