My project is currently developing a website. This website is intended to be semi static one since we are not going to update it each and every single day. Our optimistic update frequency will be once every month although if things happen we can also update it in between. However it feels not too good to have a "static" website. Therefore we are thinking of how to make quite frequent updates but not making us busy updating. RSS feed is the key. We might include news from the sector (especially electricity sector) to be included in the website. The next question is then how to filter the RSS feeds that match to our criteria?
There are many options but for now I am trying Yahoo! service which is called Yahoo! Pipes.
On the side menu, I tried to filter RSS feeds from The Jakarta Post that concern only for Indonesia. Any news from abroad will not be passed. The one thing that I still need to play around is the automatic updating. I hope the pipes can automatically updated.
Try it your self, its fun.
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