31 December 2008

Faster or Slower - Reflection 2008

I am on the opinion that fastness is not compatible with agility. A fast moving car cannot make turn safely without breaking and reducing speed. Agility is compatible with adequate speed (if not to say slow). I believe this principle is applicable to our live. We can be watchful if we are at the right speed. If we are moving too fast then details will be lost and we are prone to disturbance on the way.

Let's reflect year 2008. Global economic crisis was triggered by over expectation. Economy was pushed too much to perform and to gain profits. In this interconnected world (a.k.a. globalization) too much pressure at one end of the pipe can create leaks in the pipe where the pipe is weak and those leaks brought the whole economy down. Too much pressure to spin economic wheel faster has failed. I personally think that year 2009 is the year of slowing down so that we can duck, avoid, and be agile if there are disturbances on the way.

Happy new year and may you find your correct speed so that you can continue living peacefully and safely.

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