10 September 2008

Breakfast = Break Fast?

This September, Muslims around the world are in the fasting month Ramadhan. Ramadhan is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. It is a time for inner reflection, devotion to God, and self-control (www.submission.org).

In Ramadhan Muslims do fasting. They do not eat, drink, and sexual intercourse with their husbands/wifes during daylight (from dawn till dusk). They are allowed to break their fast when the sun is already set. That is the true meaning of "breakfast" from Muslims.

If nowadays breakfast means having meal in the morning, then it means people only do fasting at night. Sorry to say, there is no challenge doing fasting at night. So, I propose to change the name of morning meal to "Sarapan" instead of "Breakfast" so that it does not confuse people.

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